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What is Discobase?

Python Discord Codejam 2024

Discobase is a database library that works solely through Discord (i.e., nothing is stored locally!)


  • Pure Python, and pure Discord.
  • Asynchronous.
  • Fully type safe.



Install the stable version of discobase using this commit:

$ pip install git+

You can also install the latest version:

$ pip install discobase


The stable version includes the admin commands for your database, but lacks <3.11 support, while the latest version is the opposite, as it has down to 3.8 support, but lacks admin commands. This is due to a last-minute oversight on our part, but there is nothing we can do at this point.


import discobase
import asyncio

db = discobase.Database("My discord database")

class User(discobase.Table):
    name: str
    password: str

async def main():
    async with db.conn("My bot token"):

discobase is distributed under the MIT license.